Professional Makeup Artist’s Go-To Products

Do you ever wonder what kind of makeup, skincare, and beauty tools professional makeup artists use to make celebrities look their best for the big screen? 

Women often ask me what kind of makeup I use as well as what skincare brands I recommend.  Especially the women who sit in my chair and have their makeup done for TV, Film, or to appear on the cover of a major magazine.   Once they see how good they look…they immediately want everything I put on their face.

The other question I receive, quite often, is “I’ve always wanted to learn how to be a makeup artist or beauty expert, how can I learn the tricks of the trade?”.    

I have had so many celebrities and clients ask me where they can buy the professional makeup I have in the kit that I use on movie and TV sets. Once they see how good they look…they ask me what is that you used and where can I buy that?

For over 20 years, I have purchased the majority of my professional makeup from a family owned business called Alcone, based in NYC. Alcone has been around since 1952 providing professional makeup for the stage and film industry.

Through the years, Alcone received tons of calls from celebrities and clients of professional makeup artists wanting to purchase their makeup…so they decided to create a company called Limelife by Alcone.

When they started LimeLife, their intention was simple…they wanted to share the beauty secrets their family had acquired over 65 years in the professional makeup industry. 

They soon realized the their products did more than improve complexions and enhance natural beauty…they had a significant impact on confidence.  So, they decide to create a way to help others start their own beauty business using professional products.  The outcome…they are going gangbusters!  

I share this with you just in case you or someone you know is interested in breaking into the business.  If so, this is a great place to start.  

As a professional working in the beauty industry for over 30 years, I can honestly say, it’s truly a gift to help women feel better about themselves. To build their confidence. When a woman feels better about herself, she has a better life overall… and that is the mission of Limelife by Alcone.

Empowering women to feel confident in who they are and help others do the same.

With lots of love and loads of gratitude,
