Can 1 person really make change? I say YES!

By Lauren Galley

timthumb.phpI had the amazing opportunity to give my “Girl Talks”  over the last two weeks in the beautiful state of Maine speaking to over 100 girls at Camp Susan Curtis. Each cabin of young tween and teen girls listened to a different girl talk and experienced a different message. After the first talk, the word began to spread that I was there with a message of girl power and each day as i watched awesome girls come in with excitement  to hear what their talk was going to be about I knew right then that 1 person can make change.  I hear people comment all the time, “One person can’t change the world.” and before now I would have agreed that alone, such a feat would be quite difficult. I am 1 girl who shared my message with over 100 girls who are now inspired to be their best, confident, and empowered! If my girl talks can spread like wildfire through a camp in Maine, just think of how powerful we are as single human beings.

My generation is extremely narcissistic. Social Media blasts daily with “Look how great I am.”  “Look what I have.” and “Look who I’m with.” Don’t get me wrong, I believe in celebrating our accomplishments and being proud of who we are but teens today are obsessed with materialistic items, brands, and going to crazy extremes of looking perfect. We enable the media to shape us in such a way that leaves little room for development through individuality.  Helping others is not in our sequence of daily life. It takes effort and consideration as you hurry about your routine which is of course, all about YOU!

Take a little time from your day to share positive words and wisdom with someone. You will be surprised how such a small effort can make a difference. It’s the best kind of “contagious” to travel throughout the world. You are 1 person and YES, you can change the world. Go ahead, try it. Pay it forward…..

“A Piece of Me” incorporates T.H.I.N.K.

By Lauren Galley

442313682_640As I travel visiting young girls I am reminded more and more how our society and social media can be toxic when it comes to being kind to others. It’s no big news flash that girls can be mean. This is not new to my generation either, it’s been going on for decades. My mom has told me stories of her school years and how girls can be caddy to one another. Bullying happened at slumber parties and lunchtime chats at school where girlfriends were talking one on one. Many times the bullied girl never knew…

My generation takes this to a new level with social media and the advancement of technology. An all out war has begun and you can be attacked as you sit in your room, minding your own business and visually witness the meanness of others as they attack with no warning. Bullies are allowed to attack and they are allowed to pick their weapon of choice. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Text Messaging and those that are bold will choose face to face combat.

With any war you have to be strategic on how you fight back. Bullies are looking for a response, whether it’s sadness, fear, or a traditional physical round in the ring. I tell girls to be confident and look above the bullies, or better yet compliment them… that tactic is always a weapon they don’t expect you to use. Some girls have the confidence to arm themselves in brutal attacks. Most girls do not possess the ability to shield themselves with “Girl Power” ending the bullies ability to harm which ends the war, and that’s where I come in.

I love spreading my “Girl Power” engaging girls in activities that help them learn the best weapon of choice… CONFIDENCE!! “A Piece of Me” signature Girl Talk teaches girls the effect of hurtful words and the tools to spread kindness and love. I incorporate T.H.I.N.K., a program designed by Rebecca Moore that reminds us all to THINK before we speak, type, or text, and ask yourself is it True, Helpful, Important, Necessary and/or Kind? These are amazing qualities for everyone to live by and the THINK portion of my Girl Talk has a great impact on these girls that influences them to end this raging war we face called Bullying. Whether you are 5 or 95 I encourage you all to THINK!!!!! Thank you Rebecca for giving me the power to spread the word ~
The photos below were taken at Camp Susan Curtis in Waterford, Maine
These Awesome girls loved our girl talk and the concept of T.H.I.N.K
Each girl painted their river rock with THINK. I encouraged them to keep their rock with them as a reminder to THINK and to share their rock with someone they felt might benefit from learning about THINK. These girls loved the idea and were excited to take their rock on a new journey….. My wish would be for these rocks to go on a long journey reminding us always to THINK ~

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